JAMMU & KASHMIR KYWA conducted 18th annual conference | KNO Kashmir Young Writers Association conducted its 18th annual conference in Tagore Hall Srinagar. It was collaborated by state cultural academy and Radio Kashmir Srinagar. Published 384 weeks ago on October 10, 2017 By KashmirNewsObserver Mr. Farooq Wagoori presented the welcome address. Mr Ranjoor Tilgami, patron and founder of KYWA presented the key note address. Manzoor Yousuf presented his paper entitled "Role of Kashmiri literary organizations and their duties". Prominent poet and thinker Mr. Ghulam Nabi Khayal was chief guest and Mr Rafiq Raaz presided over the 1st session. Gh Hassan Gamgeen, Dr. Farooq Fayaz and Ranjoor Tilgami were also in the presidium. Handicapped well known poet Mushtaq Ahmad Mushtaq was honoured by " Khilat e Tauqeer". Rooh e Ashaq a poetry collection of late Mushtaq Abdul Kareem of Goshbug Pattan was released. Mr. Showkat Tilgami presented book review on the book. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Khayal in his speak threw light on the importance of the mother tongue. Dr. Farooq Fayaz admired the work and literary activities of KYWA. Mr. Rafiq Raaz also delivered a brief lecture on the evolution of literature. This session was conducted by Manzoor Yousuf (Program Organiser). Mohd Aslam Sodnari and Abdul Rashid Dar presented the music items. 2nd session was presided over by Syed Bashir Qousar. Kaleem Bashir, president of Maraz Adbi Sangam, Farooq Wagoori and Fayaz Dilgeer were also in the presidium. poetic symposium was conducted by young poets Masroor Muzafar. A large number of poets all over the valley participated in the poetic symposium. Tagore Hall was fully packed. Participants from all districts attended this conference up to the end. Mr G.N. Dilnawaz presented the vote of thanks. KYWA thanked State cultural academy, Radio Kashmir Srinagar, and Print and Electronic media. Up Next World Mental Health Day observed at Police Drug De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Centre, PCR, Kashmir | KNO Don't Miss Naeem Akhtar visits SPS Museum, expresses dismay over its dilapidated condition | KNO